agni meaning in english

[Skt. Lat. ignis.] n. Fire.jatharagni the gastric juice, the digestive power. agneyamula the south-east point. agnistomamu a sacrifice to the god of fire.agnipuramu the pudendum muliebre. sokagni mental anguish. cintagni corroding care. agnivaidyamu the use of a cautery. agnigundamu a fire-pit. agnindhanamukindling or feeding the fire. agnikanamu a spark of fire. agni karyamu kindling or feeding the sacrificial fire with oblations of liquid butter. agnikastamu Agallochumagarugandhapu cekka agnikriya funeral riter or other religious acts performed by means of fire. agnijihva a tongue or flame of fire. agnijvala a flame of fire. tretagnuluthe three sacred fires called garhapatyamu, ahavaniyamu and daksinamu agninaksatramu the Pleiades. agnipariksa ordeal by fire. agniparvatamu a volcano.agnipravesamu entering the fire, self-immolation by means of fire. agnibanamu an arrow of fire, a rocket. agnimandhanamu production of fire by friction. agnimayamufiery. agni mandyamu indigestion, dyspepsia. agnirasi a heap of fire. agnivarnamu the colour of fire. agni saṃskaramu the consecration of fire, the performance of any rite by means of fire. agnisaksikamuga in the presence of fire as witness. agnyastramu fire thrown as a rocket. agniyutpatamu a fiery portent, meteor. agnimandalamu a large caterpillar that destroys crops and whose touch is supposed to occasion inflammation. agni mata n. The plant called Ceylon lead-wort. Plumbago Zelanica.citramulamuagnivendapaku ammannia baccifera or blistering Ammannia (Watts) agni sikha. a flame of fire. Also a plant (Gloriosa superbatarigorrecettu, kunkumapuvvu cettu the Saf-flower plant. agnihotramu fire. agnihotrudu the god of fire. agnihotralu kalcucunnadu or ceyucunnadu colloquial for “he is smoking.”